It's funny how we take for granted the simple things we do every day.
Drinking from a straw, for instance... about a week ago, Alex learned to drink from a straw.
We went to lunch at our favorite mexican restaraunt http://www.freddieslacabana.com/ after church and had forgotten his sippy cup. As I was giving him one straw-worth at a time he started to suck the water in!!! Breakthrough!!! So, I offered him the straw in the cup and he couldn't have been more proud of himself! He all but drained the cup. We all clapped and oohed and aahed, congratulating him on his latest achievement!
This always makes me laugh. We forget the things that kids have to learn. Walking, stabbing food with a fork (and then actually making it to your mouth), putting your arm thru the sleeve in your shirt... pooping...
I had never laughed so hard (B.C.) as the time that friends were expectantly asking their daughter "are you pooping?" in the middle of a restaraunt.
It doesn't even sound weird when I say it now... how'd that happen?
But when did we stop cheering each other's accomplishments?
I went to the craft store today and only bought the fabric I needed for my project... Where are my oohs and aahs? Do you have any idea the will power I demostrated? I should get a high-five or something.
And it makes us feel better too - when we cheer him on we feel like we were a part of the accomplishment. Like we did it too.
This picture is from last night. Stan was grilling hamburgers for dinner so Alex & I were sitting at the patio table keeping him company. Alex wanted to sit and have a drink just like Mommy.
I love these moments.
I took a drink, he took a drink. I put my glass down, he put his down. I stuck my tongue out at him, he stuck his out at me... oh, and he said Doggie - with the 'g' and all! "daw-gee!" Too cute.