Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Cousin Gareth

I met my cousin Gareth today... he's just a little guy, but BOY, does he give BIG hugs! I'm not sure I can handle it! But we did have some fun together (once I started adjusting to the fact that I wasn't the only baby in the house anymore!)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just like Daddy...

Alex wanted to be just like Daddy... Stan gave him options of train shirt, car shirt, truck shirt... but no, Alex picked out a blue polo shirt... "like Daddy's shirt!" he said:

(buzz cut, jean shorts, and everything!)

Friday, August 8, 2008


Alex is counting the bubbles in his bath... "3...4...9... I did it mommy!"

Hooray for Johnson's soothing vapor bath!

He's also playing with an old toothbrush - making it dive under the bubbles It's hilarious! He tells me 'dizzy' and 'tiny bit scared', telling me all about it - commentating for the toothbrush!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I was SO thirsty...

And Mommy's tea is SO yummy!