Now, I have to admit that we don't use the diaper bag all that much anymore. A pull-up and fruit snacks in my purse and we can go anywhere... So, when Alex asked where his sunglasses were, I pointed him to the diaper bag. He brought it over to the livingroom floor and dumped the contents.
There's your usual- pretzels, scrunched up kleenex, hungry caterpillar book, broken bulldozer, stray cheerio, and... Look closely. There, to the right of the book... Yeah, that would be the head of a crash test dummy.
No body to be found, just the head.
(Funnier still is how Alex was quite alarmed that when I put the bulldozer back into the picture to snap this shot I slipped one of the tracks off so it would be as it was when it spilled out of the bag. He had to hover until I got the picture so the he could immediately fix it!)