Friday, February 26, 2010


Yesterday: On the drive home from school I told Alex that Daddy got us pizza for dinner...

I don't like pizza.
What do you mean you don't like pizza?
I don't like pizza with raisins. (black olives)
Well that's good because there aren't any raisins on it.
Oh... (long pause) what kind of chicken nuggets are on the pizza?
*sigh* The kind that's chopped up tiny.

What would happen if I started telling him everything has chicken nuggets in it...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Long hard day

So... It's hard to tell because of the shades, but this is Alex conked out on the car ride home. One minute we were talking, then I heard a big long sigh, when I turned around he was out cold!

Stan carried him into the house where he napped on the couch for about an hour and had to be coaxed awake for dinner! Sweet boy, all the excitement from show-and-tell day wore him out.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

bottom of the diaper bag

Now, I have to admit that we don't use the diaper bag all that much anymore. A pull-up and fruit snacks in my purse and we can go anywhere... So, when Alex asked where his sunglasses were, I pointed him to the diaper bag. He brought it over to the livingroom floor and dumped the contents.

There's your usual- pretzels, scrunched up kleenex, hungry caterpillar book, broken bulldozer, stray cheerio, and... Look closely. There, to the right of the book... Yeah, that would be the head of a crash test dummy.

No body to be found, just the head.

(Funnier still is how Alex was quite alarmed that when I put the bulldozer back into the picture to snap this shot I slipped one of the tracks off so it would be as it was when it spilled out of the bag. He had to hover until I got the picture so the he could immediately fix it!)