Tuesday, May 17, 2011

T-ball Practice

Happy Boy

I decided to surprise Alex with a smoothie when I picked him up from school.  He told me "you're the best". Who knew a smoothie would make MY day!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Alex was awesome at swim lessons today. He jumped in, both feet, fully committed. He popped up with a smile on his face and tread water for a few seconds. He swam to Ms. Tori with his head underwater and kicked, kicked, kicked. He was enjoying his new found skill so much that while waiting for his turn on the steps he had to be told not to put his head under because the teacher wasn't there with him... what a change from last week when he still strained to keep his face dry! I am so proud of him. My awesome little boy has decided he loves the water.

To celebrate we got frozen yogurt! Mmm! Alex even drank the melty part... soo cute. (You pay by the ounce and there's only 1 size cup.) He got cookies and cream, I got boysenberry. Such a treat to enjoy this mild evening with my boy and some fro-yo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dinner with my Boys

We took advantage at Houlihan's Wednesday special. Alex was in a particularly good mood. (The corny dog and ice cream didn't hurt.)