Alex is trying to count to 10. It goes something like this:
two...two...tree...four...five...six...seben...eight...nine...eight...nine...eight...nine...eight...nine... (mommy or daddy interjects in a whisper "10" and Alex proudly and loudly exclaims)... 10!
We hadn't gotten past 1, 2, 3 GO! in our regular routine so he really surprised us. We guess he's picked it up between Drew & Amber and Blue's Clues (his new favorite). But he still doesn't understand that when you ask him how old he is, he's supposed to say "2"... oh well.
Stan was away on business last week so Glenn & Cindy (Grampa & Grammy) were helping extra with Alex. Alex in turn helped Grampa extra.

All power tools are called "loud" or "noisy", not by their actual names. Grampa was playing with a "noisy" and Alex wanted in on the fun. So Alex would "help" by picking up a screw and putting it on the end of the drill for Grampa... how cute are they?! (If that doesn't make your heart melt, I don't know what will.)
And this is an older photo Amber sent me of Drew & Alex - or Dew and Aggie, as they call each other... No, we didn't go buy the matching shirts, it just happened that way. (We did however coordinate schedules so they'd be wearing them on the same day!) No wonder Amber's asked if they're twins:
We also bought a life vest for Alex. He loves being a "guppy"... doesn't matter if it's in the pool or the bathtub, it's all "guppy". He'd take 3 baths a day if we let him! He's also really enjoying the pool. Wednesday night we all ended up in the pool, Grammy & Grampa, GG & Granddad, and Stan, Alex & I! It was such a nice break in middle of the week. I don't think Alex could have grinned any bigger either. He's growing more and more comfortable in the water and we feel a little safer now that we have a nice life vest for him. He might not be any more "water-safe" but he has handles now. :)
This weekend we're helping put in a new fence at Amber's so the boys are safer... it's been blown down and, we think, helped along by some neighborhood hooligan-teens. (sigh) It will be a good ol' fashioned work party! And next week a bunch of family is coming in for some 4th of July fun.
I'm sad I haven't had more time to be domestic, clean the house and straighten up for people. But, I'm rationalizing that they're family and they won't hold it against me either!
So - there you go - you're updated!
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