We visited friends and enjoyed being outside without heavy coats on. We had dinner at the restaurant where Charles works, AND IT WAS AWESOME! I could happily go broke eating there!
We hung out at the house with all my family (and I must confess, it is possibly my favorite part of growing up, that my brothers & I were all in the same room for extended periods of time and we not once felt like causing bodily harm to one another...) Seeing them interact with Alex was enough to make my heart melt too. All my boys together!
I still have some of the pictures to download, but here's the bulk of them.
John & Shera invited us to join them horseback riding Friday, which was so much fun. (even though I fell off... I'm telling you, don't zig when your horse zags.) But what's life without adventure?!
My Dad gave Alex horsey rides and my Mom pulled out toy after toy for Alex's entertainment pleasure. Mickey Mouse and the tent were big hits... then there were Cars stickers and magic markers and all sorts of goodies!
And then Auntie Valerie arrived and it just got better! Giggle fests ensued and we joked, "that's what you get when you put 2 two year olds together!" They're just adorable. Val gets down to his level and they just soak each other up.
And Friday night my BFF kidnapped me and took me to see Wicked - which was AWESOMENESS x10. I came home doing Glinda impersonations, that's how good it was! If you haven't seen it yet, go. now.
So - we had quite the adventures. And when we got home Saturday evening it was snowing. Alex looked out the window at the airport and said "woooowwww". It was just adorable. We left for Thanksgiving and came home to Christmas, what a treat!

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