Lindsay, Nate, Mom, Dad, Stan, Me
Granddad, Alex, Grandmother
We had a great Christmas! Dad got a smoker from Mom and smoked a turkey for dinner! It was amazing-super yummy and I'm not usually a big fan of smoked meat!! I got to put together Chrismas Brunch, eggnog french toast with apple-cranberry compote, a citrus salad, irish soda bread with dried montmorcery cherries, turkey sausage, and fresh berries! It was fabulous! I love cooking and had lots of fun putting the menu together.
Alex, of course, made out like a bandit! Granddad and GG gave him a real slate chalkboard - one that his Grammy used to play with when she was a little girl!
Auntie Valerie sent him tons of things, but the inflatable spaceman won the day!
Mr. "My Little Astronaut" is currently sitting in Alex's little red chair in the livingroom. He ate a piece of chalk, got piggy back rides from Alex and "blasted off" (but we had to stop that because it was more like he-whacked-into-mommy or daddy...).
And he got some neat new cars and trucks from Grammy & Grampa. They have buttons to press to make noise and when you pull them back and let them go they take off racing... lots of fun! There aren't pictures, but Grampa also made him a big set of blocks which he's been enjoying immensely!
So, we had lots of fun! And there really isn't much better than having your kiddo running around the house talking about "my baby Jesus". Makes my heart melt!
Hooray for Christmas!
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