Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bath and Bible Time

I joined a study group at church. Together with a bunch of cool ladies I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  One of the gals decided to also read thru the Gospels, and invited anyone who wanted, to join her.  So I did. 

I have been using Alex's bath time for my reading. I can sit in the bathroom with him to make sure he doesn't manage to drown himself or flood the house- and I get my reading done fairly uninterrupted. Anyway.

I finished reading the chapters in the book, and am on to the Gospels, about the middle of Matthew. As I sat down, Alex was curious about what I was reading (this is new). So, I told him I was reading the Bible.

Alex: Like God!? (eyes w-i-d-e)

Well, yes, it's the book God wrote so that we can learn about him.

Alex: Oh

Do you want me to read it to you?

Alex: Uh-huh. (nodding)

I read a chapter and he played quietly the whole time. The whole time. At the end, I asked him if I should keep reading.

Alex: Uh-huh.

I read another chapter and again asked him if I should keep reading.

Alex: Uh-huh.

I read a total of 3 chapters - he didn't interrupt me except for repeating the occasional word. Like Beelzebub. I warned Stan there may be a stuffed animal named Beelzebub that crops up in the near future... Stan laughed and said that was fine so long as it also went to show-and-tell. (haha- he has a sick sense of humor)

And I loved it. I loved every moment of it. Toward the end, he wanted to see the pages - I'd guess he was looking for pictures, but I got to explain to him that the red letters are what Jesus said.

I told Alex that if he wanted me to read more, that next time we would read about Jesus feeding 5,000 people with just 1 little boy's lunch, and about Jesus walking on water - to which he immediately grinned ear to ear and replied "Mommy, Jesus can't walk on water... that's silly! (as he floated his foot on the surface of the water in his tub for effect)" And I got to explain to him that he DID... and that he invited his friend to walk with him.

Talk about experiencing the Bible in a new way. And here I thought we were still in the picture book stage, the Old Testament bible story stage. 

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