Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Big Boy!

My big boy is wearing underwear!! 

He even gets up from his nap to use the bathroom and goes back to nap!!

Last night, he didn't want to put on a pull-up for bed, but we made another deal with him. (Stan very wisely reminds me that Alex does well with goals, smart Daddy.)  So, we have 1 more week that he has to wear pull-ups to bed, but if he can keep dry for that time, he will be 100% potty trained! 

We are entering a new and wonderful phase of parenting - no more diapers!

Last night, when we got home, Alex informed us that he had to poop and went into the bathroom.  As I'm preparing dinner, Stan & I are talking and Stan starts to try to negotiate which one of us will have to clean out the little froggy training potty. 
That's when I had the pleasure of informing him, just as Alex has told me, very authoritatively with a finger in the air and eyebrows raised for emphasis "we don't poop in froggy potty".  That's when Stan just about blew soda out his nose.  It was hilarious.

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