Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Giant Tuba

this is my tuba... see?



tuba goes *pfffhhhhhghhh*




I play my tuba, my biiiig tuba... see?

my tuba


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My Big Christmas Tree

I finally broke down and invested in non-breakable Christmas ornaments... the decorator in me always wondered why on earth people would settle for them. Now I know that it's because they have 2 year olds. *sigh* I guess that's what you get when you become a Mommy... that and the hugs and kisses! I guess I can deal with the plastic ornaments! :)

So, anyway, tonight I tied what ribbon I had on ornaments and Alex hung them on the tree.

All by himself.


I promise right now that there was ZERO placement coaching... he arranged them on different branches at different heights ALL BY HIMSELF!

Are you amazed? I'm amazed!

How does he do it... just KNOW how something's supposed to look AND implement it? I mean, that's talent some grown adults don't have. Maybe I'll let him direct where I put the upper ones too. It would be really interesting to see what he comes up with! It could be like my own little science experiment, naturally pleasing asthetic vs nurtured opinion. Maybe.

Regardless, we're having so much fun with Christmas. Grammy & Grandpa made an advent calendar for him - this year they put a little toy car in each door, next year each will hold a piece of a nativity set. He calls it "my little Christmas tree" and goes straight to it each time we're over there. And, he can pick out his stocking on the mantle (and there are a lot of them to choose from).

Yes, Christmas is going to be lots of fun this year! And it snowed today, and Alex LIKED getting it on his shoes... last year he **FREAKED OUT** "ick, ick". We had to cut our 1st sledding short because snow landed on his boots! Tonight he stomped around "snow!" stomp, stomp. So cute!

More pictures to come... seems like there's something wonderful and new to share all the time!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Family Thanksgiving

This is my family!
Richard, Charles, Ben, Papa
Stan & Alex, Me, Mama

This is an outtake of my family:

I don't even remember what Alex did but Richard's girlfriend, Debi, was snapping the photos and doing her best to be a loon and get Alex's attention for a good picture!

It's the first complete Yoder family photo since Alex was born! He'll be 3 in January... you'd think we were all cameraphobes. Isn't it a great looking picture though!? I'm so happy we all got together - and that we have proof!

*and if my brothers are listening... I'm calling dibs on Raindrops! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in California!

We went to CA to visit my family for Thanksgiving and had lots of fun.

We visited friends and enjoyed being outside without heavy coats on. We had dinner at the restaurant where Charles works, AND IT WAS AWESOME! I could happily go broke eating there!

We hung out at the house with all my family (and I must confess, it is possibly my favorite part of growing up, that my brothers & I were all in the same room for extended periods of time and we not once felt like causing bodily harm to one another...) Seeing them interact with Alex was enough to make my heart melt too. All my boys together!

I still have some of the pictures to download, but here's the bulk of them.

John & Shera invited us to join them horseback riding Friday, which was so much fun. (even though I fell off... I'm telling you, don't zig when your horse zags.) But what's life without adventure?!

My Dad gave Alex horsey rides and my Mom pulled out toy after toy for Alex's entertainment pleasure. Mickey Mouse and the tent were big hits... then there were Cars stickers and magic markers and all sorts of goodies!

And then Auntie Valerie arrived and it just got better! Giggle fests ensued and we joked, "that's what you get when you put 2 two year olds together!" They're just adorable. Val gets down to his level and they just soak each other up.

And Friday night my BFF kidnapped me and took me to see Wicked - which was AWESOMENESS x10. I came home doing Glinda impersonations, that's how good it was! If you haven't seen it yet, go. now.

So - we had quite the adventures. And when we got home Saturday evening it was snowing. Alex looked out the window at the airport and said "woooowwww". It was just adorable. We left for Thanksgiving and came home to Christmas, what a treat!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Pictures of Alex in his flight suit:

We had lots of fun! Thanks again to Auntie Valerie - you continue to spoil us!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My little pumpkin...

I tried my best to stage a re-take of this favorite:

This is what I got instead:

This is his "pumpkin friend". A pumpkin patch came to his school and all the kids got to pick one out (note his name written in sharpie on the bottom).

Alex informed me that it was his "pumpkin friend with a brown hat":

It was adorable. He's adorable... he just can't help it!

His pumpkin friend has been on the floor next to the coat hooks, on the table next to Alex's big thinking chair, in the garage, on the mantle, and carried around the front yard... Who knew so much enjoyment could come from a $4.25 pumpkin!?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Space Man!

Our little boy is SO loved... Auntie Valerie just *happens* to work at JPL and did a little shopping on our behalf. Behold! The coolest astronaut costume EVER (oh, yeah, and Alex was really excited about it too):

We laid out his clothes for school. I thought I should prep him up for it - since he hasn't dressed up before.

In the morning, as I was getting him dressed, he kept saying "Mommy hide Alex?" It's really funny, he calls it "hiding"... which I guess makes sense... especially to a 2-1/2 year old.

The teachers at his school thought it was really cool, and really appreciated the practicality of it! (me too) So now, we're just hoping it will fit him next year too! :)

Photos of him actually in it to follow! Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

80 years, with a cherry on top!

If there's anything you should be able to do when you turn 80, it's eat your favorite food!

The whole family got together and took Grandmother out to Strouds "Famous for Fried Chicken". We had lots of fun... and oh-so-much good food. We ate, and ate, and ate! And then they brought out the cinnamon rolls!! (and we ate some more) Alex loved the chunky applesauce and we all had plenty of tasty leftovers to enjoy later. It was awesome!

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we can hardly wait for your 81st b'day so we can go back and do it all over again!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Red Friday

Here in Kansas City, we have a little team called the Kansas City Chiefs. Maybe you've heard of them - maybe not, they haven't been doing so well lately... Regardless, having a local NFL team brings with it some local traditions. Every Friday that there's a home game, people wear red. It's called "Red Friday" (their colors are red & gold).

Last week at school, their focus was on colors. So, on Red Friday the kids all decorated red footballs. Now, most of the kid's said KC, KU or MSU, or some other local team, college or pro - but not our Alex. His favorite red thing is Lightning McQueen!

Considering how little interest Stan has in sports, it seemed only fitting that Alex's craft would have no more to do with football than the paper it was crafted on!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sasquatch & Elephant

Last weekend we picked up a grab bag of small toy animals at a yard sale.

There's a strange looking ape that Stan decided was really Sasquatch... and promptly began the propaganda campaign, so that's the only thing Alex would call it. It worked, and Stan grins every time Alex says it. Alex grins too, so I think he's totally in on the joke.

I think it's beyond adorable that Alex says "Ephalunt"!

And, realizing that none of this will last very long... we decided to stage a little chat session. Enjoy:

From Alex animal video

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bullwhacker Days

Grammy & Grandpa took Alex to the Mahaffie Bullwhacker Days this morning... he got his first pony ride - and a cowboy hat!! Check out my little dude:

From Mahafee Bullwhacker Days

Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Kid

My little Alex has his first day of preschool today. (It's a child care center that has a preschool program, but it's preschool from 9-noon and it's easiest for us to just call it "school" when talking with Alex).

After leaving Alex, Stan called me so I could share in the moment. I love the story he shared:

As Stan unbuckled Alex from his seat, Alex asked to be carried in...
to which Stan pointed out,

"but all the big kids are walking in...!"

Alex pointed to himself and took the opportunity to remind Stan,

"I just little kid..." (very matter-of-fact)


He ended up walking in. (a good habit since Mommy won't physically be able to carry him in another 6 months). And Stan says that there was zero trauma... he was a little reserved at first, but was off playing in about 3 minutes. We think he's just going to love it there!!! So many exciting experiences await him!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Make Daddy Happy

On the way home the other day, I was trying to convince Alex to give Daddy a hug when we got home (Stan loves a welcome home hug)...

Me: When we get home, you should give Daddy a BIG hug! It would make him happy!

Alex: no (meekly from the backseat)

Me: Ok then, Mommy will give Daddy a hug. It will make him happy! Will you give Daddy a hug to make him happy too?

Alex: no

Me: What are you going to do to make Daddy happy then?

(long pause... minutes of silence... broken when we rolled into the driveway)

Alex: I need a paci-cier.

Me: No, you don't need a pacifier, it's not bed time!

Alex: Really big paci-cier (holding his hands out in front of him to make a circle)

Me: A really big pacifier??

Alex: Make Daddy happy. A really big paci-cier for Daddy.(stretching his hands up as high as he can to demonstrate really big).

Me: (welling up in the front seat with a big grin on my face) That's a good idea, you should tell Daddy about your idea - I think he would like to hear about it!

And Stan did really enjoy hearing about it.

What an amazing kid we have, that he's thinking creatively about what makes him happy, and about what could make someone else happy.

I am so happy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Going to work with Daddy

Stan had to take Alex to work with him today. How many other kids get to watch tv on a 14 foot screeen when they go to work with Daddy?!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


These pictures were taken at Amber's. The P.A.T. (or Parents as Teachers) lady often takes a couple pictures and we always enjoy seeing how Alex has grown from one visit to the next. I especially enjoyed this set of Alex and Drew doing front rolls. Hope you do too:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the dark.

This weekend Alex and I got to play together a lot (we also got to snuggle a lot because he was sick... boo on the sick part, but Mommy doesn't mind the extra snuggles). We curled up on the couch together and watched his favorite movie, Cars. And right after McQueen pushed The King over the finish line, he was out - curled up with his head on my chest. Do you know how long it's been since he fell asleep on me? Seems like forever. It was therapy. Happy Mommy.


Later on we were in his room, I was sorting and watching him attempt to kill himself doing flashdance moves on top of his bed, with these strange break-dancing freeze poses as finales, one leg straight up in the air... it was hilarious.

When we first went in, I didn't bother turning the light on because I didn't think we'd be there that long. Then I needed it so I reached over and flipped it on.

Moments later, Alex crawled down off the bed, turned off the light, and said
"I turned the dark on Mommy".

HeHeHe. It was SO funny! And he was completely matter-of-fact about it. He got a big, albeit unsolicited, hug because he was just too cute not to hug!!

I laughed about it then. And I laughed some more when I told Stan. And then I laughed about it again in the shower. And I'm still laughing. What a kick!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Cousin Gareth

I met my cousin Gareth today... he's just a little guy, but BOY, does he give BIG hugs! I'm not sure I can handle it! But we did have some fun together (once I started adjusting to the fact that I wasn't the only baby in the house anymore!)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just like Daddy...

Alex wanted to be just like Daddy... Stan gave him options of train shirt, car shirt, truck shirt... but no, Alex picked out a blue polo shirt... "like Daddy's shirt!" he said:

(buzz cut, jean shorts, and everything!)

Friday, August 8, 2008


Alex is counting the bubbles in his bath... "3...4...9... I did it mommy!"

Hooray for Johnson's soothing vapor bath!

He's also playing with an old toothbrush - making it dive under the bubbles It's hilarious! He tells me 'dizzy' and 'tiny bit scared', telling me all about it - commentating for the toothbrush!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I was SO thirsty...

And Mommy's tea is SO yummy!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Alex's car wash

We recently watched an episode of Blue's Clues that was all about the car wash.

When we finished dinner on the patio, Alex informed us his car was dirty... "dirty car - car wash". It was too cute. So I assembled a bucket of sudsy water and a sponge for him. He must have spent 20 minutes scrubbing his little car! He lifted it up and got the underside and even counted the wheels while he wiped them!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Helping Daddy water Mommy's new flowers:

Look! A bug: (3rd praying mantis we've found in the last week in our front yard... Kansas never ceases to amaze me... things actually grow out here)

I got it: (Daddy helped)

See - it's in the cup:

AAAHHH, ATTACK BUG... It's out of the cup! It's out of the cup!

Stan says that Alex recovered well and, in the end, was actually quite proud of the bug for escaping!

*No bugs were harmed in the making of this post.

More Please

Stan sent me a text message this morning:

Alex used a whole sentence. I prompted him to ask please... so he said "more animal cookies please daddy" he added the more and the daddy to his first request.

(and the please)

Of course he got animal cookies. How could I say no?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Family Fun on the Fourth

We went to Deanna Rose on the 4th of July with some of my cousins who were visiting from out of town.

I got to milk a "cow" (Cousin Scott helped).

There were neat pedal tractors - I tried them all.

I pretended to be a cowboy riding the range.

I almost picked a bison's nose too.

And there were goats just the right size for riding, but Mommy wouldn't let me.

So I just pet them instead.

The kid's garden was fun. We took silly pictures. Do you think I make a good caterpillar?

We counted on stepping stones too.

These are my cousins, Lanie and Jake. We had so much fun playing together this weekend!

It was lots of fun. And then I had a nap.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Fly by

Ok, so life has been more than just a little crazy for all of us... but here's a quick update:

Alex is trying to count to 10. It goes something like this:
two...two...tree...four...five...six...seben...eight...nine...eight...nine...eight...nine...eight...nine... (mommy or daddy interjects in a whisper "10" and Alex proudly and loudly exclaims)... 10!

We hadn't gotten past 1, 2, 3 GO! in our regular routine so he really surprised us. We guess he's picked it up between Drew & Amber and Blue's Clues (his new favorite). But he still doesn't understand that when you ask him how old he is, he's supposed to say "2"... oh well.

Stan was away on business last week so Glenn & Cindy (Grampa & Grammy) were helping extra with Alex. Alex in turn helped Grampa extra.

All power tools are called "loud" or "noisy", not by their actual names. Grampa was playing with a "noisy" and Alex wanted in on the fun. So Alex would "help" by picking up a screw and putting it on the end of the drill for Grampa... how cute are they?! (If that doesn't make your heart melt, I don't know what will.)

And this is an older photo Amber sent me of Drew & Alex - or Dew and Aggie, as they call each other... No, we didn't go buy the matching shirts, it just happened that way. (We did however coordinate schedules so they'd be wearing them on the same day!) No wonder Amber's asked if they're twins:

We also bought a life vest for Alex. He loves being a "guppy"... doesn't matter if it's in the pool or the bathtub, it's all "guppy". He'd take 3 baths a day if we let him! He's also really enjoying the pool. Wednesday night we all ended up in the pool, Grammy & Grampa, GG & Granddad, and Stan, Alex & I! It was such a nice break in middle of the week. I don't think Alex could have grinned any bigger either. He's growing more and more comfortable in the water and we feel a little safer now that we have a nice life vest for him. He might not be any more "water-safe" but he has handles now. :)

This weekend we're helping put in a new fence at Amber's so the boys are safer... it's been blown down and, we think, helped along by some neighborhood hooligan-teens. (sigh) It will be a good ol' fashioned work party! And next week a bunch of family is coming in for some 4th of July fun.

I'm sad I haven't had more time to be domestic, clean the house and straighten up for people. But, I'm rationalizing that they're family and they won't hold it against me either!

So - there you go - you're updated!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Auntie Valerie will be so proud!

We stopped for dinner with the Shacklett's on the way to camp together this weekend. Found a cute little mexican hole-in-the-wall-that-was-super-busy-so-you-know-it-has-to-be-good place.

Alex wanted some chips but noticed that he was missing out - we were all eating salsa - where was his?

He practically drank it!! We kept trying to show him that you're supposed to eat the chip with it but he just wanted to use the chip for a spoon!

Crazy child... Proud Auntie!

Monday, June 2, 2008

My "uh-prise"

Grammy & Grampa bought a swing set for their backyard... well, for Alex really.

Grampa, Daddy, Granddad & Nate helped put it together while I took Alex with me on errands. Everytime he'd get restlest or ask about Daddy I'd tell him that we'd see Daddy later, he was helping with a Surprise for him!

He was so happy to see it and excited to go play that Grammy could barely keep up! He had so much fun, and it's just the right size that he can play on his own - the slide's a little steeper than he's used to but he's adjusting to it quickly. He really loves the "ladder" though - it might even be his favorite part!