Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It wasn't about the boxes or the wrapping paper this year - it was about the toys!

Alex got a fabulous teepee that Grammy & Grampa Nice built with the (tons) of camo fabric that Mom has on hand... it's just big enough for Stan or I and Alex to be in it. Alex can stand up in it and they gave him his own flashlight too. It was LOTS of fun! His own hiding place!

They also got him a magna-doodle that he loves (so do we, less mess than markers).

Auntie Valerie got him tons of goodies. Play Dough and crayons and a new pad of drawing paper. A spinning top and some books, and, and, and... a piggy bank. He's a smart kid. When he put in the few coins that were included he made the rounds to everyone else asking for change - and he's so cute that everyone obliged! He made out like a bandit, everyone in the family emptying their pockets for him! It was too funny.

GG and Granddad got him a shape sorter with tons of different shapes. He already figured out how to get the lid off and just dumps them all in the top! He'll get the hang of it soon enough though. It was lots of fun to shake and fill and dump! They also got him a little matchbox car that makes noise and lights up when you roll it! Alex drove it up one side of Mommy and down the other making vroom-vroom noises the whole time. It drove all over the house - and then we left it at Grammy & Grampa's to continue making noise there! :)

Uncle Scott & Aunt Kathy bought him a dune buggy that lights up, makes noise and drives 4WD when you shake it then put it down! It drove over Daddy's legs in the recliner!

Auntie Liz gave him one of her favorite books. The Clown of God, an italian Christmas story I'd never heard of. Alex loved the illustrations. I'm sure it will come to be a favorite for us too.

Stan & I learned Pinochle from Grandmother & Granddad. Granddad and I paired up against Stan & Grandmother. We actually tied at 700 points after 5 rounds and called it quits. It was lots of fun. Like 42 in dominoes that we've been playing with Mom & Dad. Then Alex woke up from his nap. Poor kid has a cough and is still cutting both bottom eye teeth!

We had lots of fun. A Merry Christmas for everyone!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Alex and I had fun this weekend. Stan had a job that took him out of town, so it was just the two of us. We spent lots of time together.

I finally got to catch up on some long overdue grocery shopping. Re-stocked the pantry. Alex helped. He thought he was big stuff standing in the pantry. I'd hand him a can, he'd put it away.

Funny thing was, when we got to the small cans of diced green chilis, he thought they were pears and asked to eat them!

I was nice and actually gave him pears. (I can't say I didn't think about popping open the chilis and letting him try...)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Granddad & Me

I love my Granddad. He's also my Daddy's Granddad, so really, he's my Great Granddad. But we just call him Granddad because we all already know he's Great! He loves hugs and toy cars and has a big recliner we can sit in together.

I love to go. He does too. We are going to take lots of walks together, especially now that he lives so close to us. (Grandmother & Granddad even have a playground in their backyard and a little red wagon we can put goodies in to take with us and collect things in.)

Daddy and I are spending the day at their house to help them move in. Granddad and I are going to check the mail. He holds my hand and walks slow, and I like that (he never rushes me like Mommy & Daddy).

Granddad's like me, only bigger. I'm going to love spending time with him!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You had me at Elephant...

Alex is learning to read. He has this little book that's sort of more like flash cards on rings with a little handle so you can carry it around (like you need an excuse to carry a book around, but anyway...)

So, he brought it up to Stan the other morning. The exchange went something like this:

Stan: Apple
Alex: Appaa

Stan: Ball
Alex: Baa

Stan: Cow
Alex: Coww

Stan: Dog
Alex: Doggie

Stan: Elephant
Alex: Wow

Stan: Frog
Alex: Wow

He knows Frog, but we lost him at Elephant so everything else in the book became "Wow"!


Monday, October 29, 2007

... captured on film!

We promised that it happened, it just had yet to be captured on film... What is it? SLEEP!

Now, I should disclaim that Alex was sick with a nasty cold. He was lounging in his favorite chair, watching his favorite show (for the 14 millionth time). Stan used the bathroom or did something equally important that sometimes has to wait for a vegitative moment with the Backyardigans and when he came back... Alex was out. Poor kid. You know you're sick when you fall asleep in middle of your favorite show!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

yogurt gotee

Alex has figured out how to use a spoon! We just had to have the right motivation - his favorite soy yogurt! He can now feed himself (Mom standing by to trim his beard with an extra spoon)

Friday, October 19, 2007


Alex read his Doggies book to himself this morning (while wearing his doggie PJ's).

In case you're not familiar with the book, it goes something like this: Dog, dog, dog. Dog, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog... Dog, dog, dog. Oooh, dog, dog, dog... I di it.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Definition of:

Determination (noun)
Fixed intention to achieve a desired end.
See also, Alex Pulling Red Wagon:

Accomplishment (noun)
A special skill or ability acquired by training or practice.
See also, Alex building Mega Blok Towers:

Drenched (noun)
Becoming wet through and through.
See also, Alex playing in the rain:

Adhesive (adjective)

Sticking fast; sticky; clinging.
See also, Alex discovering stickers:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ready to go, with a monkey on my back!

Alex wanted to GO this morning.

He was still wearing his PJ's when he went over to where we keep his diaper bag & jacket on hooks. He pulled the jacket off to find Monkey. I don't know if you've ever seen one of these, but it's so hilarious that I can nearly ignore the fact that I'm putting my child on a leash! And it seemed only fitting, since we like to call Alex our 'little monkey' for the monkey-style hugs he gives.

So, you can't see it very well, but Alex has Monkey on his back (over his pajamas) and is trying to get ready to GO by putting on one of Stan's socks... Now, I don't think that you could ball up one of Stan's socks small enough to fit into one of Alex's shoes even without a foot, so I'm not sure how this was going to work... but he was GOing!!!

(And, yes, this is the same monkey backpack that Alex stashed Stan's keys in)


So, how did it get to be October already? Sometimes life just seems to whir by... I was showing off pictures to a customer yesterday and it dawned on me that it's October... that my last update was the middle of September... So, here's the latest, in no particular order:

We went to Grandmother & Granddad's new house, as soon as the sale closed, to make sure all was in order. Alex walked in the door, sat down in middle of the living room and took off his shoes. I guess it already felt like home! Smart kid.

Amber had a baby girl, Abigail!! Abigail Nicole, adorable, right!? (I know Papa, and it's about as close to Abby Normal as you're going to hear). She's adorable. So, while they're settling in, Alex is spending 3 days a week with Martha and her crew. Alex thinks he's a big boy, running around playing with Brennen. He's been so busy playing that eating and napping have been suspended! The first day Stan & I laughed so hard... We got him home and all he did for the first hour was sit in his chair at the table and sign & say "more". He ate and ate... making up for lost time. It was hilarious.

Alex has entered into the helping and sorting phase of toddler-hood. He lines up his blocks, single file across the living room. He also picks up anything he deems to be trash and throws it away. He thinks the laundry bin in our room is trash too. He tosses my nightstand water bottle in there every time it's empty (at least he waits 'till it's empty and at least I know where to find it). Last night he was pulling diaper wipes out of the dispenser and bringing them to me to throw in the kitchen trash. Helpful. That's our Alex!

You can ask him to put something back and he will. He carried in a box of Jell-O for me the other day - I had to give him something helpful to do while I assumed my role as pack mule with the remainder of the groceries. As though scripted, he followed me into the house and put the box on a pantry shelf for me! (followed by an "I di-it") No running out to the street, digging in the front planter, or throwing a fit because we weren't going to have a ride in the stroller - I'm a tricky Mommy! hehe

He's also learning right from wrong! He will stand in front of something he's not allowed to touch (the remote) and wring his hands. It's as though he's having a little conversation with his hands - one trying to convince the other to behave. It's so funny to watch.

We're all getting ready for Nate's wedding. There will be lots of family in-town and of course, Val sent a package of goodies in advance! (thanks) The question came up as to what size clothes Alex is currently wearing and what he'll need for the coming season. I think I can add a list to the side bar of this blog, so I'll do that and try to keep it updated. We've also begun a short list of things that would be neat to have, but that we won't spend the money for! So, all you Grandparents (and just plain grand people) out there can peek at it for Christmas/Birthday gifts. It seems weird to say outright what he'd like/need, but I get so many questions that it's just practical. And I'm not asking for me... right... I'm asking for Alex... that makes it okay, I think.

Love and "monkey" hugs to you all!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Busy Day

It turns out that speeding thru the gym was just the beginning of an adventure filled day for our Alex...

Along with "helping" Daddy get the mail and change a lightbulb, he also swiffered for me, cleaned out a kitchen cupboard (asking for water in every cup he found), wiped down a dining chair (after he spilled on it, but that's beside the point) and put away a few groceries!

He also did some gardening:
(yes, he got a bath - hooray for Grandparents giving us a night out)

And some vacuuming:
(he's a very helpful little boy)

That or they were all distractions for a little boy who's teething and has a cold. Whatever the motivation, he loves to help! If only we could trust him to scrub toilets...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life with (I mean) AS a toddler!

This is life as a toddler:
It's a Two Speed life.
Going (above), and Sleeping (yet to be captured on film).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fashion challenged, but surprisingly coordinated...

How funny is my boy? I guess that's what I get for leaving my shoes in the living room!

The funny part is that when he started walking around in them I was on the phone with Stan so I got a little play-by-play action.

(In sports commentary style)

"He's playing with your heels, OH...

he's got one on...

he's lining up for the second, YES...

YES, he's got it - and he's making good speed."

(As I hear clack, clack, clunk, clack, clunk in the background and demand a photo!) And then he filled his diaper. haha

Monday, September 10, 2007

Good Morning Daddy

Most mornings Stan wakes to Alex fussing from his crib. It's not really screaming, that would be much more dedicated. It's really just fussing.

Friday, "Daddy" was the word of the day, but Alex had yet to use it to call him. It was just another word - he hadn't figured out it's power! But he's now put it all together...

This morning Stan got to wake up to Alex calling his name! "Daddy"

This morning, Stan sent me a text message to relay that Alex let out "one fuss and 2 daddys". Stan was so thrilled that he jumped up and ran into Alex's room before he could start fussing again!

Hooray for Daddy!!!

Mornings with Alex are really special. He's a little extra cuddly, he loves to sit with you and watch a show or read a book. He asks for his milk and some cereal to munch on and alternates playing and hugs almost equally. He's just so content. Life is good for the baby.

I felt really special this weekend when Alex demanded that I get up with him. Stan was trying to let me sleep in, but how could I refuse? We had a lovely morning all hanging out in our PJ's.

Who needs sleep when you could have hugs from your baby?

Friday, August 31, 2007

Big Boy

It's funny how we take for granted the simple things we do every day.

Drinking from a straw, for instance... about a week ago, Alex learned to drink from a straw.

We went to lunch at our favorite mexican restaraunt after church and had forgotten his sippy cup. As I was giving him one straw-worth at a time he started to suck the water in!!! Breakthrough!!! So, I offered him the straw in the cup and he couldn't have been more proud of himself! He all but drained the cup. We all clapped and oohed and aahed, congratulating him on his latest achievement!

This always makes me laugh. We forget the things that kids have to learn. Walking, stabbing food with a fork (and then actually making it to your mouth), putting your arm thru the sleeve in your shirt... pooping...

I had never laughed so hard (B.C.) as the time that friends were expectantly asking their daughter "are you pooping?" in the middle of a restaraunt.

It doesn't even sound weird when I say it now... how'd that happen?

But when did we stop cheering each other's accomplishments?

I went to the craft store today and only bought the fabric I needed for my project... Where are my oohs and aahs? Do you have any idea the will power I demostrated? I should get a high-five or something.

And it makes us feel better too - when we cheer him on we feel like we were a part of the accomplishment. Like we did it too.

This picture is from last night. Stan was grilling hamburgers for dinner so Alex & I were sitting at the patio table keeping him company. Alex wanted to sit and have a drink just like Mommy.

I love these moments.

I took a drink, he took a drink. I put my glass down, he put his down. I stuck my tongue out at him, he stuck his out at me... oh, and he said Doggie - with the 'g' and all! "daw-gee!" Too cute.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yesterday Stan called me at work stating that he had a problem. My immediate response is of course, 'is everyone ok?'... the following conversation not only left me in stitches, but I laughed so hard I fell off the fence and decided to start this blog. I hope you will all enjoy. Mostly however, this is the easiest way this working mom can think to keep track of all the incredible, messy, lovely adventures that are coming our way with a toddler in the house!

So, the conversation went like this:

Stan: Yes, we're all ok. Alex took my keys and hid them.

Tracy: So use your spare set.

Stan: That was my spare set.

Tracy: Ok. Well, did you ask him where he put them?

Stan: Yes, he said "Kss", then ran away laughing.

Tracy: Did you watch where he went?

Stan: Yes, he's not helping. I think he knows exactly what he did.

Tracy: (muffled snickers) Did you look in the trunk of his toy car? Did you pick up all the blankets? The cracks of the couch? Did he put them back on the table? Did he put them in a box, because I was trying to teach him to put things in the boxes?

Stan: Great (with a healthy dose of sarcasm)... No, I shook all the boxes.

Tracy: You could always call Amber (his caretaker) and beg her to pretty please pick him up for you?

Stan: No, I'll find them.

So, I laughed some more and we hung up. I got a text message from Stan about 2 minutes later saying he had found the keys. Alex put them in his monkey backpack.

One of my younger brothers hid my Mom's keys all the time. He would stash them under his pillow at bedtime so she couldn't go anywhere without him knowing... I'm going to say that Alex put them in the backpack because he was getting ready to go. But it's all speculation. And I'm still laughing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hooray for Grandmas!

Today, Cindy & Grandmother Searls watched Alex while Stan & I were at the North American Christian Convention.  They went to Deanna Rose and out to lunch, had a nap and went swimming!

In the afternoon, Alex went over to the curio cabinet in the back of the livingroom, pulled out one of the drawers, and turned it over.  He then proceeded to grab a garden sprayer, stand on top of the box, and sing into the sprayer like it was a microphone.  He then put the sprayer down and clapped for himself!

Grandmother laughed so hard telling the story ans Cindy acted it out - garden sprayer in hand!  Hooray for Grandmas!

Monday, January 29, 2007


He just stood there proud of himself.