Monday, January 30, 2012

The Daredevil Next Door

A neighbor and classmate we've gotten to know is a daredevil.  She is truly fearless.  The exact opposite of Alex.  Her Mom and I have laughed many a time watching them play - and seeing how differently they react to the same world.

Yesterday, we all ended up at the park together.  Alex rode his bike, still fully dependent on training wheels.  Then she came zipping along without training wheels (day 2 her Mom informs me "I'm going to have a heart attack").  She whizzed past us, eager to show off this new skill.  And then it happened... the wobble. You know, the one that turns catastrophic.  Somehow, she managed to lift her legs and land squatting right next to her bike without a scratch.  Even she was a little shaken by the near miss as she crouched with both hands covering her mouth and her eyes the size of saucers!

Alex's reaction was fast too.  He turned to us and loudly stated "That's why I have training wheels!"

So, her Mom had a heart attack, and I nearly died of laughter.

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